Manual de free pascal
Manual de free pascal


Object Pascal is a very good OOP language! The Pascal strong typing menas that it is very difficult to "shoot ones own foot"

manual de free pascal


Code independence (you can develop on a PC and compile for any hardware/operating system you want)

manual de free pascal

Multi-platform (both operating systems and hardware) The very big advantages of this combination is: Now retired but working with Raspberry Pi and I am using FreePascal + Lazarus on RPi2 platforms. I have worked with Industrial automation since 1995 and we use exclusively ObjectPascal from Borland-CodeGear-Embarcadero (the system has been transferred between owners during these 20+ years).


Have you used Skype recently? That is programmed using Pascal (in the Delphi flavour) on Windows platforms. n loop for j in 2.Pascal is live and kicking. n loop result ( j, i ) := result ( j - 1, i ) + result ( j - 1, i - 1 ) end loop end loop return result end Lower_Triangular function Symmetric ( n : in Positive ) return Matrix is result : Matrix ( 1. n loop result ( i, i ) := 1 for j in i + 1. n ) := ( others => ( 1 => 1, others => 0 ) ) begin for i in 2. n loop result ( i, j ) := result ( i, j - 1 ) + result ( i - 1, j - 1 ) end loop end loop return result end Upper_Triangular function Lower_Triangular ( n : in Positive ) return Matrix is result : Matrix ( 1. n ) := ( 1 => ( others => 1 ), others => ( others => 0 ) ) begin for i in 2. m ' Last ( 2 ) loop Put ( m ( i, j ), width ) end loop Put ( " )" ) New_Line ( 1 ) end loop end Print function Upper_Triangular ( n : in Positive ) return Matrix is result : Matrix ( 1. m ' Last ( 1 ) loop Put ( "( " ) for j in m ' First ( 2 ). for I/O with Ada.Text_IO use Ada.Text_IO with Ada.Integer_Text_IO use Ada.Integer_Text_IO with Ada.Float_Text_IO use Ada.Float_Text_IO - for estimating the maximum width of a column with _Elementary_Functions procedure PascalMatrix is type Matrix is array ( Positive range, Positive range ) of Natural - instantiate Generic_Elementary_Functions for Float type package Math is new _Elementary_Functions ( Float_Type => Float ) use Math procedure Print ( m : in Matrix ) is - determine the maximum width of a column w : Float := Log ( Float ( m ' Length ( 1 ) ** ( m ' Length ( 1 ) / 2 )), 10.0 ) width : Positive := Natural ( Float ' Ceiling ( w )) + 1 begin for i in m ' First ( 1 ). PROC PrintMatrix(BYTE ARRAY mat BYTE dim) PROC PascalSymmetric(BYTE ARRAY mat BYTE dim) PROC PascalLower(BYTE ARRAY mat BYTE dim) PROC PascalUpper(BYTE ARRAY mat BYTE dim) PRINTMAT XPRNT TITLE,L'TITLE print title -īR R14 return to caller. RETURN (14,12),RC=0 restore registers from calling sav L R13,4(0,R13) restore previous savearea pointer The Cholesky decomposition of a Pascal symmetric matrix is the Pascal lower-triangle matrix of the same size. The output should distinguish between different matrices and the rows of each matrix (no showing a list of 25 numbers assuming the reader should split it into rows). Use those functions to display upper, lower, and symmetric Pascal 5-by-5 matrices on this page. Write functions capable of generating each of the three forms of n-by-n matrices.

manual de free pascal

Shown below are truncated 5-by-5 matrices M for i,j in range 0.4.Ī Pascal upper-triangular matrix that is populated with jC i: ,Ī Pascal lower-triangular matrix that is populated with iC j (the transpose of the upper-triangular matrix):Ī Pascal symmetric matrix that is populated with i+jC i: , You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.Ī pascal matrix is a two-dimensional square matrix holding numbers from Pascal's triangle, also known as binomial coefficients and which can be shown as nC r.

Manual de free pascal